Monday, March 05, 2007

The Nice Warm Shower

Malem hari pulang dari kampus...
Mandi pake air hangat (yang cenderung panas), wow it's miraculously cozy!!

Jadi inget suatu malam dahulu kala ketika saya masih 5 tahun, atau 6 tahun yah?
Pulang latihan karate, trus dimandiin ama Ibu, pake air panas juga. Trus abis itu nonton acara sirkus di TVRI, sambil makan Mie Goreng Indomie. Wow enaknya!!!

Anyway jadi inget masa kecil dulu, i was very-very-very sloppy....tapi sekarang suka marahin org yang gitu hehe....

Thanx yo Mom and Dad! You were great, tapi sayang anakmu ini suka lupa bersyukur...hehe!
Thanx juga buat Dear Bros, maaf dulu galak kalo jadi kakak...anyway asik bgt punya adik-adik kaya kalian...pengen bisa barengan lagi lebih lama....main bareng lagi lah!!! (Dulu kan suka main bola, PS, Lego, Berenang, Lock-On, RISK, kartu, dll)

Bringin The Dead Back To Life


Im goin to write in this blog again!

i dont care whether the content is good or not!

i just hope it will be useful for anybody who reads it!!

C ya!!!

The Great Thing About Love: maybe its not that 'divine' anyway

so you're in love with somebody? are you going to marry him/her?
lets hope so...
this is a tip to save ur marriage for longer happy times....

Before the marriage...prepare one big empty glass jar, and a lot of colorful marbles

In the 1st year of the marriage...put one marble inside the jar, everytime after you do the 'thing-you-do'

For the next year and so on...take away one marble, each time you do the 'thing-you-do'

FUN FACT: you will never empty the jar...which is filled with the marbles from the 1st year...

KEY LEARNINGS: Getting bored is when the going gets tough...try to look back at those happy days...and be grateful for that, now, motivate urself to empty the jar...using the rules mentioned above...